Bend your knees slightly
Speak this text as you read it
Speak english with either real or fake confidence
Pelvis is loose, soles of your feet softly pressed into the floor
Elbows are lifted away from your body
The insides of your hands are alert
as if you would want to catch a fish with them
But if you ever would catch one
you would just caress it and then release it
You place all your thoughts on the outside of your body, you direct them towards the space
You get comfortable with impossible tasks
You smile with real or fake amusement into the face of failure
You witness your failure with interest
You soften your voice
Every phrase you say is a suggestion
You don’t need to force anyone as long as you are convincing
Speak up
Drop it
The open hands of the singular lover
signify the absent body
and try to maneuver it (x2)
YOU a stand-in for every YOU spoken by the lover
Their gaze stays turned away from you
This particular YOU is irreplaceable
Nothing is to be learned from this love to apply it to another one
This love defies any professionalisation
We will not thank each other for the experience
It will not have mattered if our feet were dirty or clean
This has been no ordinary love
This has been an extraordinarily productive love
We managed to turn its experience into matter
We almost captured the whole thing
Platziere zwischen deinen beiden Händen das letzte eigene Gefühl, das du bewusst bearbeitet hast.
Übersetze deine Arbeit an diesem Gefühl in Handarbeit. Sei präzise damit, was du hier bearbeitest: Ist es totes oder lebendiges Material? Kannst du es mit bloßen Händen anfassen und bearbeiten, brauchst du Werkzeug oder Handschuhe?
Du beendest deinen Tag damit, Anschlusspunkte festzuhalten, die folgenden Arbeitsschritte in überschaubare Einheiten zu unterteilen und zu gliedern. Du verbildlichst dir die strukturierte Zeit und die Pläne, die vor dir liegen. Vielleicht betrifft es die nächsten sechs Monate oder mehr.
Am nächsten Morgen stellst du dir vor, dass du den Beschluss getroffen hast, deine Arbeit nicht mehr fortzusetzen.Du